Crafted by a Ballerina. 

The Original PNKVENOM Body System. 

Sculpt Hourglass Curves. Naturally. 

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The #1 viral waist slimming workout enhancer for your body! Crafted by a ballerina. Designed with a venom feel a little goes a long way. Use a dime sized amount. Sweat like a Ballerina. Helps to remove excess water weight. It will tingle, that means it's working! For best results combine with meals and an elevated heart rate.

Become Stronger and More Confident.

Note from founder: 

Hey Ladies I know how much you want to create the body of your dreams. After having 3 kids of my own and all are under the age of 5- it can be tempting to compare yourself or feel like you aren't where you want to be yet. Be patient you will get there :)  I made this cream to aid along your journey but in no way does this cream change your shape magically overnight.  No Gimmicks. No Quick Fixes. You Still Have To Put The Work in Ladies with meals and movement! This is a sweat enhancer cream, just like how ballerina's sweat and sculpt this could assist you with excess water weight.  Join The Community Today!